Chingford & Loughton

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Our Community Partners

At Radfield Home Care we work closely with local businesses, organisations and individuals because establishing good relationships within the community is a vital step towards delivering the highest quality care services.

One of our core values is to be there for our clients, for our Care Professionals and also our wider community. Our local community is rich in resources and when we work together, utilising everybodys’ strengths, everyone benefits as a whole.

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KB Independent Ltd

Radfield Home Care Chingford & Loughton has teamed up with KB Independent, an independent local social work service. Together we help clients obtain support encompassing both care, whether that be for an hour a week, an hour a day or live in care and social work perspectives.

KB Independent provides cost-effective social work services, emphasizing rights promotion and access to care. Their experienced social workers specialize in mental capacity assessments, completing assessments for Deprivation of Liberty Safeguard (DoLS) and Court of Protection (COP) applications, benefits and welfare assessments, best interests assessments, whilst providing person-centred support.

This partnership benefits clients and the community, offering holistic care, promoting rights, and ensuring robust outcomes through collaboration, all achieved in a timely manner

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KB Independent Ltd