Former Emirates flight attendant joins Radfield franchise

20 May 2021

Franchise News

Written byPhil MacKechnie

Former Emirates flight attendant joins Radfield franchise

A former Emirates flight attendant has joined a Radfield Home Care franchise following her change of careers due to Covid-19.

After working as a flight attendant for Emirates Airlines for six years, Emma Capon, 31, was forced to return to the UK following redundancy when the Covid-19 pandemic hit last spring. Upon her return from Dubai, Emma retrained as a care professional with Radfield Home Care Stamford, Peterborough & Rutland. She now plays a vital role as a key worker, caring for older people who need support during the pandemic.

Emma decided to make the move into the home care sector after her friends and family suggested she would enjoy a career caring for others:

“People had always mentioned in the past that I’d do well with caring. I’ve got a lot of empathy and I’ve always enjoyed going the extra mile for people. Once I looked into it, I realised it was something I could really see myself going into. But I didn’t want to go and work for any care sector company just to get money. I wanted to work for the right company where they treat you as a family, look after you and look after their clients.”

As soon as Emma met with Radfield, she knew it was the right fit. She’s now fully trained, has achieved her care certificate accreditation and has been providing domiciliary care to Radfield’s clients throughout Stamford and Peterborough for six months. Although caring during a pandemic isn’t always easy, Emma’s previous experience has helped her to make a success of it.

“I already knew all about customer service, hospitality and working with people. I’d even learnt first aid and handled medication when people boarded flights with health conditions. I think the experiences I built up over my life have led up to what I’m doing now.” Emma explains.

James Beech, Owner & Director of Radfield Home Care Stamford, Peterborough & Rutland franchise, comments:

“We were very lucky to find Emma. She is caring, reliable and professional and a great example of how we can utilise some fantastic transferable skills to the benefit of older people in our community. We would love to find more people like her!”

During this past year, many people will have found themselves redundant in the same unfortunate position as Emma. If this is you, you may have been wondering what other opportunities are open to you and how you could use your redundancy to change your career and life. That may be exploring entering a new sector, looking at career progression opportunities or even launching your own business.

However, it is often perceived that with change comes risk, and mitigating that risk is an important step in deciding to make a change. What sectors have performed well in recent months, what training will help you progress, and where do you start with your own, new business model? Maybe, this is where the opportunity of launching a home care franchise comes in.

Franchising is a clear path to launching your own business; without having to take the steps alone. By owning a Radfield Home Care franchise, you are entering an extremely reliable sector, whilst surrounding yourself with an experienced franchise support team to guide you through each step, helping you to build your presence and create your own success.

Radfield Home Care specialises in providing exceptional care and support services to older people, which allows them to maintain independence in the comfort of their own home, living a higher quality of life. Over recent months, many of our franchise locations have delivered record hours of care to clients in their local communities, demonstrating first-hand the resilience of the domiciliary home care marketplace throughout Covid-19. Whilst some of our franchise partners do come from a care background, prior experience in the care industry isn’t necessary to launch your own Radfield Home Care franchise. The franchise support team will work with you to recruit the expertise required to operate quality care services for older people in your local community, whilst you concentrate on day to day runnings and driving growth of your care business.

If you feel ready to take the leap and explore a new business opportunity, and if you have the determination and commitment to succeed, then maybe you could be our next franchise partner. This could be your chance to turn your life around, both on a personal and financial level, whilst giving back to your community by providing high quality care to older people and creating sustainable jobs for those around you.

For more information on the franchise opportunities with Radfield, and how you can start your journey to provide high-quality domiciliary care services in your local community, you can contact the Franchise Recruitment Team on 01743 548 550 or [email protected].


Phil MacKechnie

Phil MacKechnie

Franchise Development Director

My passion is to help home care business owners start and grow their businesses and promote Radfield’s purpose and mission.

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