Radfield hosts ‘Pathway to Outstanding’ digital franchise forum

23 November 2020

Franchise News

Written byPhil MacKechnie

Radfield hosts ‘Pathway to Outstanding’ digital franchise forum

PR Radfield hosts Pathway to Outstanding digital franchise forum Article

Despite Covid-19 hitting pause on most face-to-face contact in 2020, Radfield Home Care adapted to the ‘new normal’ and delivered franchise partners’ their biannual forum entirely online.

From feedback sessions, to breakaway group discussions, five year planning to care professional training programmes, Radfield’s franchise partners experienced a motivational, engaging and inclusive franchise forum focusing on a ‘Pathway to Outstanding’ Care Quality Commission (CQC) rating.

“It goes without saying, 2020 has been a challenging year. This does not mean that the support we provide to franchise partners has to be impacted though – even if that support has traditionally depended on face-to-face contact”, Radfield’s co-founder and franchisor, Dr Hannah MacKechnie explained.

“Our franchise forums are the centre of our annual franchise training and support calendar. They are so valuable not just for the innovations announced and motivation achieved, but enabling franchise partners to form relationships and share ideas is invaluable. We believe a big benefit of joining a franchise is not only the support we offer, but also the power of the network and peer-to-peer support, so we were adamant our franchise forum would still go ahead this year.”

This franchise forum was centred on the network’s focus to increase Outstanding CQC ratings. External presenters, the Care Improvement Associate discussed the requirements and actions needed to achieve an Outstanding inspection, whilst Care Compliance & Operations Manager, Sue Waldron outlined the franchisor’s support systems to drive these changes. As an emerging franchisor with an ever growing national network of locally based franchise businesses, the day was also focused on the organisation’s five year plan, including the refocused mission, vision and values.

With Covid-19 being a key topic through recent months, the event was also an opportunity to reflect on achievements during this difficult time. Key highlights include 100% of care staff in the network saying they felt able to deliver personal care safely during the pandemic and a 91% increase in network turnover.

Radfield’s next franchise forum is due to take place in May 2021. Whilst a face-to-face event is hoped for, the new online format will be ready to provide an engaging and motivating forum.

If you would like to find out more about Radfield’s franchise opportunities near you, you can contact Radfield Home Care franchise recruitment manager, Ed Gill on 01743 548 550 or [email protected]. Alternatively, you can find out more and book your place on an upcoming Discovery Day at www.radfieldhomecarefranchising.co.uk.


Phil MacKechnie

Phil MacKechnie

Franchise Development Director

My passion is to help home care business owners start and grow their businesses and promote Radfield’s purpose and mission.

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