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#TogetherAgain – beating isolation and getting out

21 May 2021

Latest News

Written byPhil MacKechnie

#TogetherAgain – beating isolation and getting out

The weather may tell a different story, but summer is on the horizon. It brings with it a sense of cautious optimism that, after more than a year of gloom and uncertainty, better times are just around the corner.

Radfield Home Care’s ‘Together Again’ campaign focuses on the challenges and uncertainties that the lifting of lockdown restrictions poses to older people, and provides advice and support on how to move forward and get our lives back on track – such as how we can beat isolation and get out and about again.

In recent weeks, the government’s roadmap out of the latest Covid-19 lockdown has been moving forward. Non-essential shops, leisure facilities, hairdressers, cafes, restaurants and libraries are among the businesses and community services that have once again been welcoming visitors who are following covid guidelines, such as wearing face coverings.

The Covid-19 vaccination programme is making fast progress too, with more than 56.6 million vaccination doses given in the UK and more than a third of the population fully vaccinated by mid-May. All this spells good news for Radfield Home Care’s clients, many of whom have been starting to get out and about again after long periods of shielding or being confined to their homes without any close contact.

Radfield client, Jamie Duncan, has spent much of the past year at home on his own, and due to the coronavirus restrictions, he’s had limited social contact with people. But, with the support of his Radfield care professional, Andy, Jamie is beginning to enjoy getting out of the house a few times a week.

“Andy takes me shopping once a week,” Jamie explains. “We also go to DIY stores and then to the pub for a pint. It’s a chance to meet other people and have good conversations. I always look forward to getting out of the house with Andy.”

The team at Radfield Home Care understands that interaction like this is essential. Radfield knows that older, vulnerable adults are at increased risk of social isolation and loneliness in the wake of the pandemic.

One step at a time

Meeting safely outdoors with friends and family and doing things you’ve missed out on for such a long time are welcome freedoms. However, it’s understandable that if you’re vulnerable, it might take a while to feel confident about going out again.

Doing something you know you’ll enjoy can be an ideal first step. For example, if you’ve been stressed and worried, a trip to the hairdresser’s is an opportunity to relax and be pampered for a while. Plus, a much-needed cut or a new style can certainly make you feel good about yourself!

Visiting the garden centre could provide welcome respite for the green-fingered. Whether you have a sprawling garden or a couple of pots on a balcony, there is growing evidence that gardening has a number of mental health benefits.

If reading is something you enjoy, then a trip to your local library might be more your thing.

Support to feel safe

You might not feel ready to do things on your own or make social plans just yet. For Radfield Home Care clients who, like Jamie, need a bit more support adjusting to life post-Covid, Radfield’s care professionals are on hand.

As well as offering guidance and reassurance, Radfield’s carers can accompany you or a loved-one on errands and activities. Having someone to lean on can help people to feel more positive.

Camilla is just one of Radfield’s care professionals who has been helping clients to reconnect with the outside world after lockdown. She has been a great companion, as her client Elizabeth explains.

“My carer takes me out to many different places. Camilla took me to an appointment and on the way back, we also had a sneaky treat and went to McDonald’s. We laughed so much!”

After such a long period cooped up indoors, there are plenty of ways to start enjoying activities and outings at a pace you’re comfortable with. With time and support, you can begin to look forward to life again.

If you would like to find out more about Radfield Home Care and the care support services offered, you can visit www.radfieldhomecare.co.uk or contact your local office.


Phil MacKechnie

Phil MacKechnie

Franchise Development Director

My passion is to help home care business owners start and grow their businesses and promote Radfield’s purpose and mission.

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