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Acknowledging NHS, Social Care and Front Line Workers’ Day

2 July 2021

Latest News

Written byPhil MacKechnie

Acknowledging NHS, Social Care and Front Line Workers’ Day

When lockdown hit and the doors shut, the cogs at Radfield Home Care kept turning. Clients still needed the support from Radfield, and so home care kept going.

A Loneliness report recently published by Radfield Home Care confirmed some of the challenges Care Professionals were encountering with clients. Since the first lockdown in March 2020:

  • Radfield provided a total of 84,532 hours of care
  • By 238 Care Professionals
  • Spanning 13 regions across the UK

NHS, Social Care and Frontline Workers’ Day, seems the right time for Radfield to formally acknowledge the amazing work carried out by its frontline workers – Radfield’s Care Professionals. Being a caregiver takes a certain type of person; it’s not a job for the faint of heart. Being a care worker requires dedication, fortitude, integrity, patience and fantastic communication skills.

An astonishing 84,532 hours of care over the lockdown period hasn’t been an easy achievement. Radfield’s Care Professionals had to adapt quickly to a constantly changing set of Government Guidance. They played such a vital role in keeping the most vulnerable people in local communities safe. This outstanding feat could not have been achieved without the unwavering support and loyalty of Care Professionals.

To demonstrate Radfield’s commitment to its home care assistants, they have developed a ‘Caring for our Carers’ ™ pledge’. The pledge places a fundamental focus on creating a supportive, enjoyable and rewarding environment for Care Professionals. This drives Radfield’s purpose: to help the nation age well and remain connected.

NHS, social care & frontline workers day organisers explain: “Now we have the chance to show our gratitude to all NHS and front line staff with an annual day of thanks, and remembrance of those who lost their lives because of this dreadful coronavirus disease.

The first NHS, Social Care and Frontline Workers’ Day takes place on Monday, July 5th 2021 with a series of events involving every aspect of society and raising money for two excellent causes. Firstly, NHS Charities Together, which supports 250 hospitals and their charitable trusts. Then, National Care Association, representing 1.6 million workers caring for some of society’s frailest citizens.”

Unfortunately, not everyone is in a position to live close to their parents for regular home visits and emotional support. This situation was intensified when the government announced huge internal travel restrictions, leaving lots of people feeling disconnected from their loved ones.

Radfield Home Care’s recent research uncovered that 45% of over 250 people, aged 60+ surveyed, experienced significant feelings of loneliness during the pandemic.

Enter, Radfield Home Care. Radfield is there to drop in for a bit of companionship, run errands or even help with medication. They also take clients to the doctors, shopping, hospital appointments or even just a walk outside. Radfield Home Care places each client at the heart of everything they do, which provides peace of mind for you and loved ones.

If you would like to find out more about Radfield Home Care and how you can join the team, you can visit www.radfieldhomecare.co.uk or contact your local office.


Phil MacKechnie

Phil MacKechnie

Franchise Development Director

My passion is to help home care business owners start and grow their businesses and promote Radfield’s purpose and mission.

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