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Counting down to spring – enjoying nature & the outdoors

16 March 2021

Local News

Written byPhil MacKechnie

Counting down to spring – enjoying nature & the outdoors

With spring almost upon us it’s time for us to look forward to the arrival of the new season and those lighter nights. As we see the first signs of spring again Radfield Home Care Shrewsbury and Oswestry discusses the health benefits associated with being outdoors and reflects on how to enjoy it to the full!

Engaging in new hobbies that involve the outdoors helps to ensure we keep that essential connection with things around us. Whether that’s sitting in a warm spot in the early spring sun taking in our surroundings or having a walk around the garden to spot the first signs of the daffodils poking through.

As the season changes from winter to spring we are visited by an array of new wildlife and some are hard to miss, particularly the start of the dawn chorus. Welcomed by many, but perhaps not by others depending on the time you usually wake, our feathered friends become more active as they try to keep their territories safe and attempt to attract other birds. The early risers you may hear are likely to be robins, skylarks, song thrushes and blackbirds.

Outdoor related organisations such as the Royal Horticultural Society provide us with up to date information on the types of birds visiting our gardens, what to feed them and how to encourage other birds into the garden. Have you perhaps considered setting up a bird box to welcome birds in and provide safe shelter during the nesting season? Useful guides are available to help you choose and set up your bird box – it can be such a rewarding experience watching the hatchlings make their way into the world.

Simple changes can herald big differences and gardening for example has been proven to have a noticeable effect upon our physical, social and mental wellbeing. By connecting with different textures such as soil, being visually stimulated by all the colours around us and also taking in the amazing smells, it really is a treat for all senses. Local community garden projects and local gardening groups can help us stay connected with others after what has been a challenging time of isolation for many.

Radfield’s exceptional home care professionals pride themselves on getting to know their clients, providing individualised home care support that ensures clients lives are enriched and have the opportunity to enjoy new and old activities. It’s all about enabling clients to live their daily lives to the fullest.

If you would like to find out more about Radfield Home Care and the home care support services offered, you can you can visit www.radfieldhomecare.co.uk or contact the office directly [email protected] or 01743 245 555.


Phil MacKechnie

Phil MacKechnie

Franchise Development Director

My passion is to help home care business owners start and grow their businesses and promote Radfield’s purpose and mission.

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