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Radfield Home Care jobs increase hourly rate to meet new Real Living Wage

1 April 2020

Local News

Written byPhil MacKechnie

Radfield Home Care jobs increase hourly rate to meet new Real Living Wage

Radfield Home Care Shrewsbury Oswestry has increased its hourly rate for its home care jobs, in line with the latest Real Living Wage recommendation.

As part of the organisation’s unique home care employee satisfaction programme, the Caring for our Carers pledge, Radfield Home Care Shrewsbury Oswestry is increasing its hourly rate for its home care jobs. This is inline with the latest lift in pay rates by the Living Wage Foundation, calculated each year independent of the government’s guidelines on the true cost of living and income requirements for employees and their families to live well.

Understanding and rewarding the valuable work care assistants undertake every day in the UK, Radfield Home Care operates its Caring for our Carers pledge across the country to support its home care professionals. As well as providing excellent rates of pay such as the Real Living Wage, Radfield Home Care Shrewsbury & Oswestry also offers career progression opportunities, employee recognition schemes and a supportive work environment to its care team.

What does the real Living Wage mean to you? from Living Wage Foundation on Vimeo.

Founder of Radfield Home Care, Dr Hannah MacKechnie is passionate about caring for the entire care workforce: “Care professionals are some of the most important and hardest working professionals in the UK, and are all too often under appreciated for their heroic efforts. When we launched Radfield in 2008, we took the decision that as well as providing outstanding care services for our clients, we would also focus just as much as ensuring our home care assistants and office teams were equally well cared for. Providing fair levels of pay is only one part of this, but by abiding by the Living Wage foundation’s guidelines we are providing our care teams with a sustainable income that allows them to lead comfortable and happy personal lives.”

The current minimum government guidelines for hourly rates are dependent on age, whereas the Real Living Wage will be paid to all of Radfield Home Care Shrewsbury & Oswestry care assistants regardless of their age. This will mean Radfield Home Care employees will earn up to £1.85 more than the equivalent age-based minimum wage.

As an accredited Living Wage Employer, Radfield Home Care Shrewsbury & Oswestry is also helping support the national shortage of social care workers by encouraging more individuals to consider working with people in home care jobs as a rewarding career in care.

If you would like to find out more about Radfield Home Care jobs and how you can join the team, you can visit www.radfieldhomecare.co.uk or contact the branch directly on [email protected] or 01743 245 555


Phil MacKechnie

Phil MacKechnie

Franchise Development Director

My passion is to help home care business owners start and grow their businesses and promote Radfield’s purpose and mission.

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